Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Pluralsight is Expanding!

I’ve been working for a couple of years as a course author for Pluralsight and have several courses in their library. They’ve been a fantastic company to work with – the people are great and the processes work very smoothly. Writing courses for them has been a joy.

In the past week, however, they’ve gone from strength to strength with two amazing acquisitions. First, as announced very recently, Pluralsight has acquired Peepcode, a market leader in open source software training. So if you have used Peepcode for training in Ruby, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, Node, Git, etc., you can not get that training from Pluralsight.

But the biggest announcement, for me at least, happened to day, when Pluralsight announced it had acquired TrainSignal, the world top online training resource for IT professionals. You can read about the purchase over on the Pluralsight blog: http://blog.pluralsight.com/2013/08/05/pluralsight-acquires-trainsignal/

As a Pluralsight author, I am utterly delighted at these two acquisitions. First, it should drive a lot more customers our way, and therefore increase the author income – and that’s a good thing. But second, with the acquisition of TrainSignal, Pluralsight is now moving into IT Pro training, which is where my own history lies. I think that’s a really, really great thing! And as I’m just finishing up my latest Pluralsight course, Managing Windows Server DHCP with PowerShell, the timing could not have been better.

Congrats to Pluralsight!

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